Rate Details

The Base Price is the price highlighted “from” in the Shop. This price applies for the first week. The only exceptions to this are for some of our packages which may, for example, have a 15 day minimum hire.

In days 8 to 21 the price uses 0.2 times the Base Price + 0.8 times the Daily Price (which is 1/7th the Base Price). Exception, as above for some packages.

In days 22 to 28 the price is 0.5 times the Base Price + 0.7 times the Daily Price.

Days 29 to 35 the price is 0.9 times the Base Price + 0.6 times the Daily Price.

Days 36 to 91 the price is 1.4 times the Base Price + 0.5 times the Daily Price.

From day 92 the price will be 2 times the Base Price + 0.4 times the day rate.

Generally the Base Price is rounded up to the nearest £7 (ex VAT) price break point.

Sound Designer

When using our Sound Designer web app additional savings are possible by combining hireable units (eg 2 speakers; 1 amp; 2 stands and USB interface) into a single product. Thus minimizing the Base Price round up detailed above. The app also allows you to add/remove optional items and change (for example) cable lengths; all with their own impact upon the weekly Base Price.

Note that when changing cable lengths the impact on Base Price is not linear, but reflects latest market price for that cable length.

The Sound Designer app also has a minimum weekly base rate of £70 ex VAT per week.

Base Price spreadsheets are available on request.

Sub 1 Week Hire

By default all hires are charged at 1 week minimum even if only used for 24 hours. Exceptionally, some of our larger systems (eg “4x mk2h Decca Tree with Bass”) are available for 24 hours at 50% of the first week base rate.